Chapter 17—Confidence Vs Snobbiness.
Chapter 17—Confidence Vs Snobbiness.
Through out this book Ive been trying to teach you concepts about loving yourself, knowing you are worth it, how to be a strong confident sexual woman, to not accept less than you are worth, to get rid of the negativity in your past etc...
But the one concept thats hard to teach you is how to be confident and strong and believing that in yourself and not being a Diva or a Snob that will have people hating you and turning away from you.
How to know you are truly knowledgeable on a subject or if you are being a blowhard child telling adults what you think you know...
My thing is food. Food and cooking and recipes. Im extremely knowledgeable about these things. Im confident about my knowledge, because it is true. How I know this is because others ask my advice about food or they respect my wisdom...and I dont make something up if I cant answer a question, I admit I dont know. Im humble when I need to be.
20 years ago I was a haughty unknowledgeable brat to people on a Natural Medicine board online. How I knew this is because I was put on ignore by most people and they talked over and around me. Now I can see how much of a dope I was.
How to tell if you are a strong woman or if its just a bluff...
If you are a truly strong woman, you find ways to do things for yourself and not cry helpless everytime something bad comes down your street.
How to tell confidence from conceit (snobbiness)
When you are truly confident, you dont have to show off. You dont have to be flashy or make a grand entrance, in fact true confidence is not flashy it is a quiet humbleness.
Sandra Bullock is a confident woman, she isnt flashy, she doesnt show off and try to “break the internet' with naked butt pics, she is nice to people and she doesnt try to make people feel bad or boss them around...
if you have to be a flash scene making show off and constantly run around telling people how great you probably arent great...just sayin'
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