Chapter 15 – Drugs, Drink, Bad People, The Media And Other Bad Things


Chapter 15 – Drugs, Drink, Bad People, The Media And Other Bad Things

Lets look at 2 words

In all situations, you need to trust what your body and mind is telling you. Those are instincts There is a little voice in the back of your head that is telling you something is WRONG. This is your intuition. Listen to it. Obey it! It can keep you out of a mountain of trouble.

Often times in abusive households, the children are living in such abnormal situations and most of the time being taught they are bad kids when they are not bad at all. This can prevent YOU as an abused and neglected child from HEARING your “little inner voice” telling you that there is DANGER AHEAD!

First thing you need to do is ignore the NEGATIVE shit in your situation and that your parent is feeding you and start trying to fill yourself with POSITIVE things. Then start listening for that little voice...and OBEY it.

Like I said elsewhere in this book, as soon as you start identifying that your mom or dad or caregiver has issues and it's not your fault, start to detach from them. Spend most of your time at friends houses, stay in your room or volunteer at school. Until you can move out when you are 18. This will help reduce the negativity in your life.

Facts are that the human brain does not fully develop until the age of 25. 

You can drive a car at 16, have sex at 17, go off to fight in wars at 18, and drink at age 21.

When I was 20-21 I was taking Flying Lessons and was preparing to skydive. I still thought I was invincible. Nowadays I'm kinda scared to get in an airplane...

If you are about to do something and you have an ounce of hesitation, DON'T DO IT!

This is your Inner voice...Listen to it.



All DEVASTATING things to have happen to you.

The age of consent for sexual activity in the USA is 16 or 17 depending upon the state you live in. A child who is introduced to sex too young, before he/she is emotionally ready can develop all kinds of emotional, sexual, and nervous disorders.

When I was sexually assaulted and raped at age 11 in that cold dark apartment laundry room, overnight I changed and was never the same.

Instead of thinking of and doing 11 yr old kids stuff, like friends, Toys, Barbies, Birthday Parties, School, Sleepovers, First Dates, etc... All I thought about after the rape was the throbbing feeling and soreness in my crotch.

I was a shy girl growing up. I had a hard time making friends.

ALL I WANTED WAS A FRIEND when I went downstairs after saying Hello to my new neighbor. Instead he raped me.

I felt WEIRD inside.
I was confused with how my body felt.
I was no longer ME.

I started STARVING MYSELF and it wasn't to lose weight, it was to kill myself or maybe to focus on the hunger pangs instead of the throbbing feeling and soreness in my crotch. It was the only thing I could control in my life, whether I ate or starved.

I immediately blamed myself because according to my mother I was a troublemaker and everything was always my fault.

When I finally tried to mention it to my Mother and she ignored it, I thought that that meant that it was my fault or that it wasn't a big deal and because of this my rapist was allowed to continue to torment and violate me for the next 5 years.
At first I ran from him, then by the time I was 16 I was purposefully walking by his apartment window to invite him to do things to me. I was scared to death at first. I am still scared when I think of him, but that scared feeling became sexual over time. My mind changed the fear and trauma into sexual feelings so it could deal with the fact that I'd been raped.....and abuse and pain became sexual as well.. This is why a lot of untreated sexual abuse victims become Prostitutes or Porn Stars and become promiscuous.

What all of this does is hardens you up. You have the look of toughness but in your eyes is that sexual fear of the rape that PREDATORS can instantly recognize as vulnerability and take advantage of.

Child molesters actually say that they can smell molestation victims are in their presence and instantly zoom in on them and take advantage of them more.
By the time I was in my late teens early 20's I had convinced myself that I was a HOT SEX GODDESS and sex became my entire life because I knew nothing else . I masturbated constantly. My childhood had been interrupted and I had no normal interests so, sadly, sex was all I knew.



The age of consent for sexual activity in the USA is 16 or 17 depending upon the state you live in.
You are not READY.
Lets look at the word CONSENT and THE AGE OF CONSENT
The age of consent means that if someone OLDER than the Age Of Consent has sex with you, EVEN if you say YES it is then considered an act of RAPE, because YOU are, by law, considered not old enough or emotionally and legally competent to make that decision. It is called STATUTORY RAPE...

Girls who are statutorily raped and think its no big deal usually end up on Maury or Jerry Springer
and they end up strung out on drugs cause they THINK it was no big deal but the symptoms of the
trauma come out of them like poison ivy from concrete and they use drugs to mask the pain..

How to tell if its rape and not “sex”...

As I've said...human brains don't fully develop until age 25. Therefore they cannot make weighty
emotional decisions until that age.
Teenagers and younger kids have this invincibility factor that doesn't go away until you are 25.
You think you aren't gonna die and you do incredibly stupid things, and take risks and you will get
arrested and break bones and yes some of what you do is EXTREMELY FUN....but you need to
understand that this inability to discern danger also happens during times of dating, group get
togethers and parties...and in cases of sex.
Look, if you are not having a happy homelife and you have a bad parent(s) who neglects you or
abuses you, a nice looking older man or friend who may start paying you attention might seem
soooo nice and temporarily make you feel happy and flattered, and it might make you temporarily
lose your sense of personal security and boundaries. So much so that it might make you
misinterpret the need and want to be loved and have people who care about you and wanna be
your friend, with the physical touch of sex.
Let me set you straight right now...
A 25-30-40 + year old man who tells you you are special when you haven't graduated high school
yet and are still fangirling Niall Horan is not trying to marry you and sweep you off your feet. He's
trying to use you. And he's a MAJOR LOSER...Tell him to fuck off!
As I said when I was 11 years old, I had a neglectful abusive mother, a mean sister and an absent
father. I had no friends in my new neighborhood, my mother had given away my only “friend' (my dog Taco) during the divorce and we had just moved to a small apartment... I was desperate for love and attention and friendship. So when that new neighbor said hi to me and invited me down to his apartment I was happy and flattered. But instead of a new friend I got my introduction to sex in the apartment
laundry room.
It happened so fast and I was so shocked by the entire thing, I never even asked him why he was
doing it or told him to stop. Over and done so quickly.
It took me years to understand that what had happened was RAPE and how it hurt me and fucked
me up. By the time I reached age 16 my rapist had killed himself...but it took me till age 30 to fully
understand that I had been raped...
But the signs were there...

Here are some signs to look out for:

  • Feeling Fearful
  • Sudden Anxiety
  • Sudden Depression
  • Suddenly lashing or acting out
  • Flashbacks
  • Embarrassment
  • Nightmares
  • Pre-occupation with sex for your age
  • Maniacal Masturbation
  • Crotch Odor
  • Sudden self harm
  • Trouble Sleeping
  • Hyper Vigilance
  • Obsession with showering
  • Obsession with locking doors
  • Sudden Eating Disorders (starving, Purging, Gorging on food)
  • Wanting to starve yourself to death
  • No longer wanting to be around the person
  • Feeling bad about yourself
  • Change in clothing.
  • Promiscuity
  • Not wanting to be touched

SEX should make you feel happy and glowing and draw you closer to your partner, if it's the
opposite then you need to talk to someone about it. Or call the RAPE HOTLINE
National Sexual Assault Hotline – 1.800.656.HOPE
Call them then call 911! Don't keep quiet...if you keep quiet they could do it to other girls...

The Internet
A few words of advice about the internet.

1) Never use your real name on the internet ANYWHERE unless you are buying something
from eBay or Amazon or shops.
2) Set up one account with your fake internet name and only use it for internet postings,
twitter, facebook etc...
3) Then set up one with your real name and only use it for for business purposes, like Amazon
and paypal.
4) Use each in separate browsers ALWAYS TO AVOID ACCIDENTALLY using one for the other.
5) If you want to join Facebook to communicate with your family, make up a funny name and
then put up all your privacy blocks and do not post pics
6) Remove your real name and all internet names from SnitchName, Spokeo, PeekYou,
ZabaSearch and its free to remove your names. Use
7) If you are online on chat, or message boards NEVER talk about where you go to school,
where you work or stores or landmarks that are within 3 miles of your house. (Example:
don't tell people “BRB I'm going across the street to the TacoBell” stalkers will be able to
find you by what you say. Instead just go to Taco Bell without announcing it.
9) If you MUST make a Social Media account with your real name do not post party pics, or
other wild pics to it. Make a whole other account with a fake name to post those if you
11) Install Adblock Plus on ALL your browsers. Keep all AntiVirus software updated, scan often.
12) If you have sexy or party pics online RIGHT NOW delete them all. REMOVE everything
13) If you had a website with crazy self incriminating content or pics, DELETE IT! Then search
for it on The Wayback Machine ( and ask them to remove all traces.
14) Turn off GPS location trails (
15) Turn off location on Twitter, Google Plus, FourSquare and Facebook.
16) Never open email from people you do not know
17) Dont believe what anyone on the internet tells you.
18) Do not send money to people on the internet, no matter how sad their stories are or how
much you like them.
19) If you are going to share pics do it in email ONLY with only close friends.
20) Dont post pics with you in your school team sweatshirt.
21) Dont use the “Friends Around You” app that lets people know where you are.
22) Dont use the same name that people know you on the net as on any sensitive sites, like
Medical Sites where you ask personal questions. Or to post on Dating Sites.
23) If you are an activist also use another name on THOSE sites as well.
24) Use a VPN and Gmail to be untraceable...
25) If you MUST give someone a phone number get a FREE GOOGLE PHONE NUMBER.



Happy, Secure, Mentally Healthy people don't need to make others feel like shit.
The skinny snobby mean girls show up at the 20th Class Reunions, Fat with assholes for
husbands. Because they arent mentally healthy or secure in their lives so they attract
assholes from hubbies and have fucked up lives. Pity them.

There are two different types of bullies:

• The bully who bullies due to jealousy:

These bullies are insecure about themselves. They are jealous of YOU so they
bully to make you seem smaller. Treat them with kindness, humor them, be
self deprecating, and point out something positive about them. Its reverse

• The bully who bullies cause he views you as weak, and he's sadistically using YOUR
weaknesses as a way to make him/herself feel better inside.

Ignore them at every chance you can! Do not show fear or hurt around them.
Tell someone immediately when they start.
Remember the reasons bullies bully is not about YOU it is about them.
Again, Happy, Secure, Mentally Healthy people don't need to make others
feel like shit.
If they wont stop YOU can call the cops YOURSELF!
If that doesnt work call your local Govt.
Lastly if you MUST leave school enroll in 100% FREE Online School and stay home!
Its just not worth your health and future.

Im not gonna tell you not to try alcohol, pot, shrooms or LSD...Those things are kinda rights of passage
into adulthood after all. Hell, beer and pot are food groups in College! Just do them
Get a designated driver or cab money so you can get home safely. And only do these things
with people you know and trust.
Who knows, by the time Im finished this book Marijuana may be LEGAL in all 50 states. LOL
However, I will tell you NEVER TO TRY Cigarettes, Cocaine, Oxys, Sizzurp, Prescription
Drugs, Heroin, Crank, Meth, Krokodil, Bath Salts, Synthetic Marijuana etc or
any of those drugs.
If you smoke now, at least switch to e cigarettes. You do not want to be walking your
daughter down the aisle smelling of smoke or wearing a oxygen tank for emphysema.
Im still on the fence about Ecstasy...Some Drs are testing it on Autistic people to see if it
helps them become more social.

About bars...A lot of young people think that going to a bar or a club is so cool. I was raised
around a restaurant/bar. It may be fun the first time or two you go, but in all actuality its
really boring and eventually gets very old. There are a lot of men who go to bars that are
there just to pick women up after work. Do you want to be “Picked up”? A better question
is... do you wanna be picked up by a guy who has been drinking a bunch of drinks after
working all day who hasnt even gone home to shower?
Bars are boring and are fulla losers and drunks...

If you are at a party

1) NEVER accept a drink from strangers
2) NEVER leave your drink unattended (assholes may try to slip you a date rape drug,
then RAPE YOU later when you pass out)
3) Open your own beers
4) If its a KEGGER stand there and watch it come out of the tap so people cant slip a
DATE RAPE drug in it.
5) Never get sloppy drunk at HUGE parties and stay close to your friends for safety.
6) Put your beer in a water bottle with a cap.
7) ORRRRR Dont drink at all! If you dont want to drink or smoke pot DONT! ITS YOUR LIFE!

A Bottle of Beer or a Glass of Wine or a Joint
I smoked pot and drank a little when I was younger...
But during the most stressful times in my life I did not.
I oftentimes wonder if, if I had had a glass of wine or a bottle of beer occasionally in the
evenings would my anxiety or panic attacks and the health issues that resulted from them,,
had gotten so completely out of control?
This is up too you to decide what is right for YOU. And your stress levels..
If you start having a problem and cant stop drinking GET HELP with AA.

Bad Influences

The Media

 The Media is, TV, cable, radio, magazines, newspapers, advertisements, parts of the internet,
word of mouth buzz marketing etc.
The media is even the pens drug manufacturers give Drs offices with the name of their drugs on
them, and these shopping cart ads.
The medias job is to sell you things, whether its products, ideas, emotions, war, news, or fear.
Its other job is to direct your attention to one place while they hide things in another.
Another job is to mold the way your mind, and the mind of all Americans think and to cause you to
act a certain way.
Tv, Radio, Newspapers, Magazines etc are all FUNDED by ADVERTISERS...
Advertisers are big corporations who want to sell you things. A lot of these things they wanna sell
you are unhealthy and unnecessary...So in order for a Tv Network or Magazine to get the
advertisers money, they need to help pay to keep the network or magazine running, sometimes
the magazine or Tv network will tailor its content to make the product look better or wont run the
story about the prescription drug (whose paying for ads) being harmful or tell you that your fave
snack chip is very unhealthy....
Or they will feed you a steady news diet of celebrity gossip and cat videos so you dont notice that
the Government is taking all your rights away
Just FYI, so you know your rights.
The media also tailors their reporting towards their political agendas
Here are two examples



IMGUR, Tinypic, Reddit, Photobucket, Facebook, Tinyurl, Imageshack, Twitter, Instagram, Vine,
Youtube, Vimeo etc etc etc....
Why is that do you think?
Well, years ago, about 2004-2005 I used to fill out surveys online to get paid. In the late 2000's
when the economy was crashing, I was getting very odd surveys about the economy and my
emotional and mental state.
They'd ask me things such as, “Are you feeling uneasy about the economy?” And “Are you feeling
hopeless?” and “ Would you end it all if the economy crashed?” and “What would it take for you to
spend your last dollar TODAY?”
Some surveys I completed involved watching ad videos and using a sliding tab on the bottom that
youd move from one side to the other to indicate when in the video you felt happy and which
times in the video you felt sad.
Survey companies work for ADVERTISING COMPANIES and BIG CORPORATIONS. They want you
to buy their products so they get psychologists to manipulate your emotions thru their ads.
They know why we do what we do, why we buy what we buy, what makes us sad and happy.
They know how to sell you ANYTHING!
They know in general, females like to make others jealous, and be admired. Which is why this
Cadillac commercial was so successful
it plays on all the things that females want to FEEL
Desired, Sexy, Powerful and a COOL MOM
So pay attention to ads from now they make you FEEL! And RECOGNIZE that you are
So back to the initial question... Why are all those online services FREE?
Cause “THEY” are watching your pictures, your posts, your shares, your EMOTIONS.
Its cheaper to DATA MINE you than pay to study you.
They wanna see if you are using their products, taking their drugs, voting for their candidate,
buying their LIES etc
They give you TWITTER (etc) free so they can WATCH YOU.
Pay attention from now on, DONT let them manipulate you. Make WISE decisions.

Celebrity Culture
When I was little we had 2 Celebrity magazines...People and National Enquirer.
We didnt have E! Or Entertainment Tonight or TMZ or MTV...
We didnt have any Reality TV shows .
We didnt have rabid paparazzi roaming the streets.
When we watched the Local and National news every night at 5pm it was all news and it didnt
include cat videos or Celebrity Gossip.
Yes, I used to watch Entertainment Tonight, TMZ and E! News.
Yes, I used to buy all the tabloids faithfully for years. It was a nice diversion from my unhappy life.
But when you pay attention to the celebrity gossip industry, it becomes crystal clear that its a
crime syndicate, a crime syndicate that YOU help fund.
I dont think it was that way before 1985.
Look, first you have all these paparazzis stalking the celebrities to take pictures or videos that at
times can pay the paps or sellers upwards of $100,000.00+ per picture or video. The video of
Solange beating up Jay Z reportedly went for 2 million dollars.
Lets back up a little bit here...

Talent vs infamy
Celebrities with REAL Talent like Halle Berry, Julia Roberts and Jennifer Garner OPENLY LOBBY
LAWMAKERS AGAINST PAPARAZZIS. They feel violated and angry when paps sneak on to their
property or take pics of their kids at school.
Meanwhile celebrities with NO REAL TALENT like Kim Kardashian, Courtney Stodden and any one
of the Real Housewives openly court the Paparazzis and do things specifically to get noticed. They
WELCOME the intrusion and think nothing of 'accidentally” being caught with their clothes off in
public. They will call the paps to CRY on camera instead of calling a shrink.
You wanna know why?
Because people with no talent have to get attention somehow and the only way to get attention
and FAME is to pull stunts and shock you.
Whereas the people with TRUE TALENT just want to act or sing or perform, and then go home to
their kids and have a NORMAL LIFE.

There are people who are famous who didnt ask to be and do not want to be. Like Jaycee
There are famous people with talent who love to make other people happy and perform for them,
like Julia Roberts or David Letterman.
Then there are people who want to be famous to be famous, like Kim Kardashian and Courtney

What does FAME mean?
Fame means that virtually everyone knows your name.
Let's explore the psychology behind why a person would want to be famous.
Psychologists have researched this very topic and have found that most people who want to be
famous have experienced rejection, abandonment, abuse or neglect, in their youth. People hope
the love of the public fills up an empty hole, but most of the time getting famous does not solve all
their issues or fill the hole. They are damaged people who instead of seeking a shrink they seek
fame instead. That fame COMPOUNDS the underlying issues, because FANS dont truly CARE
about the famous person. Fans LOVE comes from a sense of WANTING to be their “crush” and
living vicariously thru their star. Its all FANTASY... Thus they dont see the Star as a REAL PERSON.
When they meet their fave star in person they kiss the stars ass. When the Star is exposed as a liar,
a cheat, a druggy or a child abuser the fans REFUSE to believe it cause they are in a FANTASY
relationship with the star.
Veteran soap actress Andrea Evans stated that once when she was in the back lot at the studio a
bunch of fans came up for autographs and one cut a chunk of her long hair off as a souvenir.
Fans want the fame to rub off on them.
When their Star refuses to sign autographs or isnt feeling well and might not be in a good mood
and is a little mean to the fans FANS BECOME OUTRAGED!
Fans will never LEVEL with their Star. They treat them special.
Therefore the Star never has someone in their life who will care enough to tell the Star to get help
when they are messing up.
This is why Stars get divorced so often, get so much plastic surgery, get on drugs or alcohol.
They are people with ISSUES....FAME never fills the hole
They are not people to EMULATE.

Reality Tv
Reality Tv became attractive to TV Producers because it was cheap to make, and tantalizing to
watch. Its tantalizing to watch because these shows have MEGA DRAMA. Most NORMAL people
do not have this much drama in their real lives, nor do they want to put their lives on display.
So how do they get all these crazy drama filled people who want to have cameras in their lives
showing all their intimate things?
Tv producers give Reality Tv applicants a psychological test and whoever scores high points in the
NARCISSISM and HISTRIONIC Personality Disorder portions of the tests they hire. Because
Narcissists and Histrionic people HAVE TONS OF DRAMA in their lives and are willing to do
anything to satisfy that hunger for fame and fill their emptiness.
Please read:
So basically when you watch Reality Tv, you are watching people who are mentally ill.

The Kim Kardashian Konundrum (In depth reality tv example)

Remember back in the “YOU” chapter when I told you that things that you VALUE, you tend not to
put out there where people can step on them and hurt them? Like that Grandmothers bracelet?
Well, Kim Kardashian's own Mother Kris Jenner orchestrated the sale of Kims sextape with Ray J.
We know this because its what she does, she exploits and sells her own children.
She doesnt VALUE them (except as $$ signs) California law states that you MUST have written
consent from ALL participants in order to sell a sextape for profit. Kim Kardashian and Ray J's
sextape was released for profit and then KimK faked it was “LEAKED” and then never came
forward to SUE for defamation or damages. Because they PLANNED It and released it themselves,
then faked it was LEAKED.
Paris Hilton and Kim K, Pam&Tommy, released their sextapes themselves.
You know why? Because they have no TALENTS to get to the top or get famous for on their own,
They don't have the right bodies to be Supermodels even... so the only thing they had to market to
the public was their bodies and SEX.
So here we have a “MOTHER” who got her daughter to do a sex tape (a sextape in which her
daughter is shown being PEED ON –in early versions) and then sold it to a sleazy online sex site
and then faking that it was leaked, and instead of being embarrassed and hiding away and SUING,
The “Mother” then pushes that daughter out MORE into the public and signs her up for MORE
things where Kim will be naked and then signs the family up for a Reality Tv show and
endorsement and product deals and INFAMY.

Lets see what Wikipedia says about who Kris Jenner is:
Early life
Jenner was born Kristen Mary Houghton in San Diego, California. She is the daughter of
Mary Jo Shannon (née Campbell) and Robert Houghton, an engineer. [3] [4] She has English,
Scottish, French, German and Dutch ancestry.[citation needed] When Jenner was seven
years old, her parents divorced and she and her younger sister Karen were raised solely by
their mother, until a few years later, when her mother married businessman Harry
Shannon. Three months after moving to Oxnard, California, Harry's business partner ran off
with all the company's money, so the family moved back to San Diego.[5] Jenner attended
Clairemont High School.[1] She worked as an airline stewardess for a year in 1976.[6]

So Kris' father was an Engineer (IE good salary) Then when she was seven her parents divorced
and she was raised SOLELY BY HER MOTHER. What this means is SOLE CUSTODY and probably no
money from the Father. Probably HARD TIMES for awhile. Then Kris' mother married a wealthy
businessman (HARD TIMES OVER, MONEYS BACK!) Then the new hubbys business partner ran off
with all the money...SLAM! Back in the poorhouse again and a move back to San Diego....
So what this tells us is Kris had a lot of upheaval in her life. She went thru poor times. Im sure she
was relieved when she met rich lawyer Robert Kardashian and was back into some good money
again. But then they divorced and she had 4 kids to raise, so she met and married Olympian Bruce
Jenner within one month of her divorce...She has stayed married to him 23 years despite his
questionable sexual identity and rumored gender reassignment.
Im sure that being married to a man who she viewed as a macho Olympian then secretly started
wearing womens clothes in private was worrisome to Kris and Im sure she thought, “OMG Im
gonna lose the money again if we divorce, what should I do?”
I think thats why she hatched the plan to exploit Kim and then exploit the entire family to get
money and fame.
So now that Kris has tons of money and fame and doesnt have to ever worry about money again,
she can now divorce him.
Please note I am not against gender reassignment or the LGBTQ community. Im just stating
But she is still exploiting her kids...She is now pushing her two youngest daughters Kendall and
Kylie to be sexual, get plastic surgery and be famous. Why modelling, sexualization and fame Kris?
Why not education and college?
When does the thirst for fame and money end?
Its not stopping any time soon apparently...
She has exploited and used all her children , and her children therefore dont VALUE themselves or
^^^Kim makes North WALK 4 yards JUST for the photo op.
In a family where EVERYONE is a commodity and kids are dollar signs and exploited for top money,
this doesnt shock me.
But whats next? Thats what worries me. The DYSFUNCTION in this family is being passed on from
generation to generation and its SICK.
These people are SICK. Do not watch this show or buy their products.
Its not NORMAL.

The first Televisions started showing up in rich peoples homes in the 1920s...
When I was little we had one Tv, in the living room only and it had about 7 channels to watch, ABC,
NBC, CBS, PBS, 48, 17 and 29.
You would learn something on a daily basis on Tv. We had Happy Days, All in the Family, Mr
Rogers, Sonny and Cher, Laugh-In, Gilligans Island, CHiPs, Johnny Carson, etc All quality
wholesome programs. On PBS were cool documentaries about sea life, or geography etc Wed sit
on the floor and watch in fascination..
On Saturdays the cartoons that would play had meaning and werent full of weird dumb characters
or characters that promoted teens being lazy losers. The Dads in sitcoms were MATURE, and
Intelligent people and the Moms looked like moms and not supermodels.
Every so often us kids would rush home from school to watch a program called the After School
Special...these specials warned and educated tweens and teens about social issues at the time, like
drugs, sexual abuse, pregnancy and driving too fast.
When you heard the serious musical tone coming out of the Tv speakers and the words in RED
flashed on the screen saying “BREAKING NEWS”! It meant the President was just shot, or The
Astronauts had arrived on the surface of the Moon or America was being bombed...NEVER did
they break in to regular programming with BREAKING NEWS about a celebrity getting released
from Jail or news about the NFL..
My aunt and uncle were millionaires, they could afford a Tv with a WIRED remote whose wire was
15 feet and could only change channels. Otherwise everyone else had to get up off the couch and
turn the dial to change channels or mute the tv.
If someone called on the phone you had to get up and go into another room to answer the house
phone that was hanging on the wall and depending upon how long you were on the phone, you
would miss half your show. People would call their family and friends and tell them to not call
during show time and people wouldnt.
If you flipped thru all 7 channels and nothing looked good then you turned tv off and you got up
and went and did something else or read a book or went outside. All Tv channels stopped airing
programming and went off air at 2:00am and you then got this on your Tv screen.
That loud tone at the end of that video would play all night unless you got out of bed and turned
off the tv … Then in 5 or 6 hours the following would come on and the channel would be back on
One day when I was 8 or 9 kids at school were talking about something called “cable tv” …
Whereas regular Tv was FREE, you had to pay for Cable Tv... It came via a wire into your house and
there were no commercials but there was lots of nudity and swear words. Thats why you paid for
it, to not have any commercials and to have swear words and nudity.
As soon as TV producers found out they could use the Tv to SELL products and manipulate your
emotions they did so...Same with movies....all to keep your eyeballs on the screen to get
advertising dollars...
To do this they needed to get you hooked to compete against the new world of cable FOR those
advertising dollars...
So they had to ramp up the sex, violence and drama...
Ever wonder why you cant turn away from Reality Tv or scary movies?
Well, have you ever noticed that when you watch a suspenseful Tv show that your heart rate goes
up a little and your palms sweat? You know what also happens? Your body releases a dose of
adrenaline and endorphins in response to the increased heart rate...
You get kinda high off those two chemicals. Then after the movie or drama of the reality show is
over, the chemicals in your body slowly fade and then you get to feeling a little bit down. So you
wanna watch MORE drama filled exciting shows to get those chemicals back.
So in essence you are now ADDICTED to these types of shows and you cant look away even if they
Change the channel or read a book.
Grown women and mature men do not behave like that.
When Normal isnt normal at all.
When you go to school do you notice what the cool kids are wearing? Do you notice that people in
your school try to emulate them? By the end of the year all the kids are wearing the same fad
clothes, playing the same video games and even talking alike.
Everyone wants to fit in and/or be cool. So they will copy each other.
I used to copy my best friends way of standing, fluffing her hair and phrases shed say, without
even realizing it.
There is nothing wrong with this, adults and even neighbors tend to start to look alike and buy
things that their neighbors have.
However, it becomes a problem when bad tv and bad behavior is on Tv for over a decade or more
and you get many people thinking the behavior and lifestyle and drama and inter family
relationship behavior that they see on Tv is NORMAL when they arent normal at all, and then
people start emulating that behavior.
^^^The infamous Teresa Giudice table flip.
First of all I dont watch Reality Tv, I dont watch the Kardashians or Real Housewives. Googling the
above clip from the show to post here and watching it was shocking! I had only seen clips on Tv in
passing...All these women are supposed to be WEALTHY and Upper Class and Polished, but they
are anything BUT. They are behaving like 5 year olds. This is not normal.
Wealthy Upper Class families do not behave like this.
My maternal and paternal sides of my family have wealthy people in them. My mother was raised
in a rowhome in Chester, Pa.... NO ONE in my family behaves like these people on Real
Housewives. Nor did my mothers poorer family. In fact, I dont recall ANYONE in my childhood life,
neighborhood, church or school acting like these people.
So you wanna know what I think has caused this huge behavior shift?
In part, Tv shows like Jerry Springer, Maury, Reality Tv, The Tv show Cops, The movies Clueless,
Mean Girls, American Pie etc. I think the abnormal behavior shown in these shows and movies has
caused a shift in the behavior in the population...
Then you have all these shows like Americas Funniest Home Videos, TLC shows like hoarders,
Secret Addictions, Their Sex Show, and TRU Tvs Worlds Dumbest Criminals...
All these shows have made it cool to be on camera doing sick and stupid things.
This has lead to TEENS (and some of their crazy bad parents) staging fights on camera to post on
YouTube to get on TV.
Teens getting pregnant to get onto Teenmom
Parents exploiting their kids to get on pageants.
Teen girls thinking being a snobby brat (like on MeanGirls) is GOOD behavior.
And basically a less polite, less kind society for everyone.
Im not telling you NOT to watch anything,
Im not saying all problems are caused by TV
But I am telling you all of this so you know that its all part of the problem.
Tv is like FOOD and Nutrition,
If you eat junk you will get pimples and get fat and get heart disease and diabetes.
If you watch Tv that is negative, drama filled, violent and nasty you will reflect that in your daily life
and your behavior eventually.
Good in, good out.
Bad in bad out.
The re-education of women and girls

Seventeen Magazine was first published in 1944. It had simple articles, like the above “Girl meets
Boy” article...


As the womens rights movement roared thru the 1960s, the magazine became more political (as
see in the 2 covers above)
Educating countless teens on politics, womens rights, war and activism....

Now the magazine of 2014 is all about being cute, sexy, flawless, getting a man and juicy hot
Twilight gossip...
Gone are the deep meaningful articles about politics, activism and loving your ethnic looks, and
Why are they now scared of an educated girl?

A few years ago Taylor Swift stated that shes not a FEMINIST, cause
“I don't really think about things as guys versus girls. “
Really Taylor? REALLY?
Feminism is not about pitting guys against girls.
There are so many YOUNG girls who are HATING on FEMNISM and saying that they dont wanna
be known as a FEMINIST.
OMG do you know what life used to be like for WOMEN in this world before all these FABULOUS
WOMEN fought hard, marched in the streets for YOU was like?
Before Feminists Fought Hard For You:
YOU couldnt drive a car
YOU couldnt smoke cigarettes
YOU couldnt own or rent your own home
YOU couldnt vote
YOU couldnt drink alcohol
YOU could be beaten by your husband LEGALLY
YOU couldnt use birth control.
YOU had to bear at least 6 kids during your marriage whether you wanted them or not.
YOU couldnt turn down your hubby for sex.
YOU had no jobs available to you that could support you and your kids if your hubby died, left you ,
or you chose to divorce.
YOU reallly couldnt divorce or leave your husband (Look up GROOM)
YOUR hubby controlled the bank account
If YOU invented something during your marriage YOUR name would not go on it, the invention
would be attributed to your husband ONLY.
YOU were not allowed to wear pants.
YOU could not wear bikinis
YOU werent permitted to go to college for anything but literature and philosophy or French.
YOU couldnt play sports.
YOU werent supposed to ENJOY SEX.
All YOUR money before the marriage belonged to your hubby once you got married.
YOU would die in childbirth frequently
YOU would die from botched abortions.
MEN would not lift a finger at home.
YOU couldnt hold public office, be a Doctor or a Police Officer

The book above is about women who had to run away from their houses and hubbies to seek
relief! This is what life was like in the 1700s for women in the USA
And now, in 2014, there is a movement in this country brought on by the DUGGAR family and their
beliefs to get rid of FEMINISM. To bring back all of the above things and restrict womens rights to
nothing. There is even a group called Ladies Against Feminism, that is WOMEN advocating against
rights for women!
I think that there are a lot of people out there who have painted the portrait of a FEMINIST as a
fat, loud, man hating, obnoxious, butch lesbian who screams at people.
But that is not what a real FEMINIST IS...
I think there are people who see our current society's problems as being caused by women having

The Lies
They say that because women are WORKING outside the home and no one is home to take care of
the children after school that this is why children are “out of control”...
They say that because women are WORKING outside the home that they dont have time to cook
nutritious meals anymore...
They say that because women are WORKING outside the home they take all the mens jobs.
They say that because women are WORKING outside the home they are too tired for sex.
They say that because women are WORKING outside the home, men have no place now.
They say that because women are EDUCATED AND WORKING outside the home that men are
They say if you educate women they wont need men.

The Facts
Back in the “good old days” when women stayed home and raised the kids and cooked and
cleaned, women did not have time to stop cooking and cleaning to have “quality time” with their
kids. There were no washers and dryers so they had to hand wash all the clothes and pin them up
on the line, sew all the families clothing, bake all the bread from scratch as there wasnt any
Wonder Bread yet, wash all the dishes by hand as dishwashers werent invented yet, plus cleaning
the entire home with non modern detergents. Also remember there were no lawn mowers or
vacuum cleaners yet so women regularly had to take all the rugs outdoors and beat the dirt and
dust out of them and use a scythe or machete to cut the grass by hand... This took hours.
Also, women were obligated to grow a vegetable garden and can their own veggies for the winter.
There just was NO TIME for Quality Time to give to their brood of 8 kids!
Also, do you think that women were happy and ready for sex when hubby came home?
NO! but hubby was allowed to beat them if they didnt give in.
When cars were invented a family owned ONE car. And the husband rode it to work, so the wife
couldnt go shopping or anywhere (if they lived in the country) unless it was the weekend.
Todays Mother who works outside the home, spends more time with her children, playing with
them, talking to them, involved in their schooling, and shuttling them to play dates and activities.
As for women taking mens jobs...Go out to Amish country...Amish husbands and Wives BOTH work
EQUALLY around the farm....and Amish Life is as old fashioned as it comes!
Lastly, in EVERY country where GIRLS are EDUCATED and EMPLOYED the countries PROSPERITY
Oprah told us about what happens when girls get educated in Africa...When girls get educated and
get jobs they might buy a pretty bracelet or a nice dress initially, but then they return home they
spend their money to help their family and their community.
Whereas boys will spend all their earnings on THEMSELVES ON TOYS!
In the country of Bangladesh, girls used to get married at age 17. They did not go to college and
they did not use birth control. They'd have an average of 8 children, many would die. The family's
money was spread very thin and they were very poor.
Now the government of Bangladesh has instituted a birth control program and urging girls to put
off getting married until they are 24-25 and urging them to go to college.
And guess what is happening?
For the first time in decades or centuries BANGLADESH HAS RISEN ABOVE INDIA ON THE
All because they are educating their girls and urging them to put off marriage and use birth
Women are LEADERS in the community!
Women are smart and strong.
Women kick ass.
When women are VALUED we SHINE.
BE A FEMINIST!!!!!!!!!!
Feminist does not mean you hate men
Feminist does not mean you cant be a stay at home feminine wife and mother.
Feminist just means equal rights, opportunities, pay and value.
Be one!

Peer Pressure
I will admit I really didnt have much Peer Pressure growing up. I just wanted to be ME and have a
normal happy life and home.
I did not try my first cigarette because OTHER kids or the cool kids were doing it. I didnt chose
clothing because others were wearing those same clothes. I didnt do things cause they were cool
or because I wanted to impress others. My sister did all those things. She went along with all the
other girls fashions and ideas and styles....spending top dollar to put a DESIGNERS NAME on her
ass, once at a gathering I saw her hold a lit cigarette in her fingers for 10 minutes NEVER ONCE
taking a puff...
Now when I look back my sister had a screaming INSECURITY PROBLEM.
She was faking that she smoked to be cool! lol She sold drugs to be COOL, she spent tons of
money on fads and clothes and acted like a snobby bitch all to FIT IN AND BE COOL.
But she was not happy.
But maybe this is the exact thing you need to deflect Peer Pressure.
Just be you. Develop your own style. Be a leader on your own!

I wish I could give you some advice about how to stay out of gangs. But I have no first hand knowledge about gangs from my life to give you.

But heres a good link

To Recap:

1. Be aware when people are trying to sell you junk you dont need
2. Dont watch junk tv
3. Get help if you have been raped
4. Be a feminist, dont let them take your rights
5. Be yourself, be unique, be a leader not a follower.



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