Chapter 14 - Health and Body Image


Chapter 14 - Health and Body Image

Starting At age 11...
I was an anorexic, I took laxatives and water pills, I drank huge amounts of caffeine and smoked 2 packs of cigarettes a day at times to stave off hunger. I would binge and then starve myself. During my Atkins Diet days I drank a pint of heavy cream at one sitting... I'd eat till my chest felt like I was gonna stroke out. I wouldn't eat for weeks until I felt like my stomach was gonna bleed from the hunger pangs, I would sniff rubber cement and White Out. I had crazy reckless sex...I sometimes drank heavily, once at my Dads house I drank so much Jack Daniels I was hallucinating... I have depression and anxiety issues.

I am now 45...
I now have bad stomach issues, my hair is thinning, I have nipple and chin hair. My nerves are shot so bad that I cannot watch anything suspenseful on tv, and I avoid many things so I don't have a panic attack...My metabolism is super screwed up. I have major depression and fatigue. I have frozen shoulder. I'm going through Perimenopause. I am on 4 prescription meds. I look old before my years. I have wrinkles and red blotches on my face and I don't care. I have major depression and anxiety issues. I am overweight. I no longer have sex. I am constantly feeling like shit. I don't feel like doing anything. I even hate driving. I no longer double process my hair, I pee when I sneeze or cough too hard. Recently I was diagnosed with prediabetes and Heart Issues. I don't have the energy for anything.

Health is the greatest gift you have.

I wish I had known what I know now. I'd have taken such good care of my body and sought help early, for the anxiety, fear and depression that resulted from my childhood abuse and rape that caused me to abuse myself and caused additional side issues...

You are young now...

In writing this book, the single most hardest thing I will have to try to get across to you in paper or digital paper is for you to 100% GET, FEEL, UNDERSTAND and UTILIZE ONE STATEMENT!

That statement is...

Do everything you can to change everything you can NOW to make yourself healthy and happy while you are YOUNG and you still can so you wont be having all these issues later like me.

I hope at least some of this book sinks in and makes you pause before you do destructive things, after all that is the whole reason I am writing it.

I hope by now you have read the “Hold On” chapter and have started doing the things I listed...

All of them will help your health, by reducing stress in your head and life....

Let's review though...

1/ Get a thorough check up
2/ Get an honest personal evaluation
3/ Stop letting OTHERS abuse you!
4/ Stop Abusing Yourself!
5/ Choose a Life Sport
6/ Stop caring what others say about you!
7/ Start taking care of yourself NOW!
8/ But if you are fat, be fat AND happy if you are fat!
9/ Learn to say YES and NO
10/ Learn to say I'M SORRY
11/ Stop fantasizing and be real...
12/ Accept Yourself

About Body Image.

Look, I wish that as a young girl I had learned to accept my body. Half of my Mothers side were obese and genetically I have the chubby gene. Half the issues with girls body issues are that THEY THEMSELVES put huge amounts of pressure on themselves to be like some Celebrity who is no role model in the first place.

Girls spend sooooo much time working against themselves...

Let's look at a few things women do...

  • Wear painful high heels
  • Wear expensive make-up
  • Wear circulation restricting tight clothing
  • Wear ill fitting clothing
  • Shave their legs and underarms
  • Wax
  • Pluck their eyebrows
  • Get Brazilians
  • Paint their nails (nail polish doesn't allow your nails to breathe)
  • Go on dangerous diets
  • Get parts of their body removed (ribs or toes) to fit into clothing
  • Plastic surgery
  • Tattooed eyeliner
  • Botox
  • Etc.


You are YOU! Your body is what you were born with and given. Some people are naturally thin, others are naturally chubby.

Some people were born with big hips, some were born with short legs. I spent YEARS trying to STARVE myself to fit into a size 2 jeans and in the 1980s a size 2 WAS a size 2 it meant a 22 inch waist. I was unhealthy and unfit and damaging my metabolism and my heart. I wish I had just accepted my size 10 (30 inch) self.

Accept yourself!
Look if you are overweight or obese then you need to lose weight to be healthy. Stop dieting to fit into jeans, start eating healthy and exercising to be healthy, have energy and be fit.

Your Image and Style
Im not going to teach you about make up or clothing or shoes, that is up to you to develop your own personal style. But if you dont have a style go get one that plays up your body type, features and hair. The big thing you have going for you today is the internet and places like Ulta and Salons. Go look up things such as “How to use make up to make my small eyes pop and reduce my big nose” and “what colors make brown eyes sparkle”.... Go to a salon and get professionally made over so you know what to do. Go to a higher end clothing store and ask them to dress you for your body type.

Get your own style.

  • Be the best you, not a fake imitation of someone else
  • Love your body.
  • Nurture yourself
  • Nourish your body and mind.
  • Love yourself for who you are.
  • Accept YOU.

Body Types
Eat and exercise for your body type. All body types require special care, food combos and exercise...
Everyone has one of three body shapes. All three body shapes have different metabolisms and dietary and exercise needs. Find out which one you are and follow YOUR body's optimal plan.


The Three Types


Mesomorphs are where most people want to be, they look athletic, they can gain weight but they can gain muscle as well

Key Features

Athletic Looking
Well defined muscles (ripped abs etc)
Boxy Body
Can build muscle easily
Can get fat easier than the Ecto but less than the Endo
Medium Metabolisms

Your workout

Normal Cardio/Aerobic & Weight Training
Build those muscles

What You Should Eat

 Watch your overall calorie and carb intake

• Ectomorph

 Ectomorphs are those “naturally skinny” people who can eat and eat and not gain weight.

Key Features:

Small frame
Long thin Body
Flat Chested
Cant Gain Weight
Lean Muscles
Fast Metabolism

Your workout

Focus on building muscle (weight train)

What You Should Eat

Hearty portions of healthy foods, Try to eat before bed

• Endomorph
Endomorphs are huge, they are the Body Builders of the group.

Key Features

Stocky Build
Slow Metabolisms
Can gain muscle in huge amounts
Fat round puffy people (if they dont become body builders)
Hard to lose fat (if they dont become body builders)

Your workout

Daily Cardio/Aerobic Exercise
Daily Weight Training

What You Should Eat

 Low Calorie Diets if you are not body building.

See more here:

So, Accept and eat for your body type, because when you are young you think.

  • “Oh I can eat McDonald’s everyday and sit in the basement playing video games all day! I am naturally thin!”
  • “I can quit smoking anytime I want, I just don't want to. Besides my Grandma smoked and lived into her 90's”
  • “Ill just get surgery later on”

It all might be true but look..........

The state of Louisiana loses small amounts of coastline every year due to land sinking and the waves of the ocean eroding the edges. People might not notice on a daily basis, but after 10-20 years people have had to raise their homes on stilts 13 feet in the air to just stay there. You might not notice the damage smoking, bad food and foolish diets do to you on a daily basis, but when you are my age (46) and you are ill and you no longer have energy or cant enjoy the foods and hobbies you love and your 4 kids are expecting you to do things with them. THEN you will get it.. You will wish you had taken better care of your body... You will be VERY SORRY.


In the 1940s the typical Diet Platter served to women who wanted to drop a few pounds was a scoop of cottage cheese on a lettuce leaf, a grilled hamburger patty, Sliced Cucumbers and Tomatoes and maybe A Pineapple Ring.

In the 70's Weight Watchers was hot. It was balanced, but at times it entailed bizarre recipes

In the 80s, it was all low fat low cal, but high carbs. Jane Fonda was the guru at the time. Fitness clubs exploded on the scene. The idea was to eat low cal & fat and have super fast digestion.



In the 90s Atkins brought a whole new theory to the world of dieting, by saying low fat, low cal, high carb is all WRONG and we should all be eating high fat high protein and no carbs. The idea was to stay full on fat and protein longer so youd eat less, and to get into a state of Ketosis, which makes your body burn more fat...

Now in the 2000's low carb is still going strong with several low carb diet plans on the shelf. We have Atkins, Paleo Diet, South Beach and more.

Eating low carb or at least reduced or the RIGHT CARB dieting seems to be the best way of eating.

Atkins is the most severe and most Drs agree that the types of fats on it are unhealthy now. South Beach is low carbing done right with healthier fats and some carbs added back slowly... Its the least severe

And Paleo teaches you that humans weren't meant to eat grains, so you should eat like a Paleolithic Cave Man and what Cave Men ate in Paleolithic times was meat, seeds, nuts, veggies and fruits...We didn't eat grains until very recently in our history. Since we have eaten grains and sugar etc our health has not been so good.

Why Low Carbing works

The reason it is healthier than all those past diets is due to a myriad of reasons.

  • 1) Sugar and Most Carbs are in fact pretty bad for you.
  • 2) Proteins and Fats are dense FILLING foods. If you eat a 4 ounce steak, it keeps you fuller longer than eating a 4 ounce bag of Doritos
  • 3) It almost always helps flatten the belly fat within a week
  • 4) Ketosis: When people eat less carbohydrate, their bodies turn to fat for energy and in order for your body to utilize the fat as energy, it must convert it to a sort of fuel called KETONES...Ketones then replace the glucose (blood sugar) as your body's fuel source.
  • 5) Your body stops having to use so much insulin to process sugar, which improves metabolism.

So, most scientists and Doctors are now agreeing that Low or Reduced Carb eating is the healthiest and best for our bodies.


However, there is another way to eat and that is to become a vegetarian or vegan and it too is very healthy. The problem is that a lot of people become Vegan and fill up on CARBS and forget the VEGETABLES and get FAT.

To learn more about HEALTHY VEGAN EATING go visit Alicia Silverstones Kind Diet Website
Buy her book, and ease into it.

Insulin Resistance & Type 2 Diabetes

Humans are designed to be active. We are designed to be out working farms and hunting and gathering all day, carrying large loads on our backs, running after deer as food animals, walking long distances, building huts from scratch. We weren't designed to sit in front of computers, Tvs, or play video games all day. Nor were we supposed to sit in a chair all day in an air conditioned office. So we modern people invented Gyms/Fitness clubs and sports to replicate that physical activity that helps us stay fit and healthy and helps us lose weight and burn calories. Gyms are how people with sedentary jobs who sit all day stay healthy.

How the body works:

  • 1) We eat a meal
  • 2) Our body goes to work digesting it by releasing various hormones and enzymes
  • 3) Our body releases INSULIN to help the body use SUGAR ENERGY. Insulin helps the sugar energy get into each of our cells to fuel our bodies.
  • 4) If we exercise or do physical labor it burns a lot of sugar off and the insulin opens the cells up and the sugar is used up rapidly.

However, when those people with sedentary jobs (or young people who sit in front of a computer all summer) don't get any exercise and eat lots of calories for long periods of time, sugar hangs out in the body not being used and the body cant get rid of it. More and more insulin keeps being released by the pancreas but because there is so much sugar it cant get rid of it and the body starts resisting the insulin, to prevent damage from the sugar and your blood sugar is now higher.

This is what happens when you sit on the couch all day drinking sodas and eating fast food and Twinkies and playing video games all day and not going out to play or do any kind of sports.

That is how Type 2 Diabetes starts.

  • The first sign of type 2 Diabetes is sluggishness and no energy.
  • Then comes blurry vision
  • Then thirst and heavy urination...

Soon diabetes will prevent circulation and then you might need a toe amputated or go blind. Be aware of the signs. And start an exercise plan while you are young, to prevent it.


What food does for us.

  • Meats and Protein Foods BUILD AND REPAIR OUR MUSCLES
  • Grains and Starches FUEL OUR ENGINES


Our brain is mainly FAT. Did you know that?
Our brain needs fat to work properly and to keep our mood happy. Especially Omega 3 Fatty Acids. 

Fats are Oil, Butter, Crisco, Nuts, Egg Yolks, Avocados, Coconut Milk, Lard and Oil.

Good Fats:

  • Liquid Oil
  • Nuts
  • Avocados
  • UnHydrogenated Coconut Products
  • Fatty Fish

Bad Fats:

  • Hardened Oil (like Crisco)
  • Animal Fats like Chicken Skin, Bacon or Beef Fat or Lard.
  • Frying food in oil.

Good fats help our brains, lube our joints and clean our blood of Cholesterol.
Bad fats cling to our veins and arteries and clog them up and cause heart disease.

Omega 3s
Omega 3 Fatty Acids, are a type of fat that is ultra good for you. Its great for your heart and especially great for your brains memory and mood functions. It is really hard to summarize how Omega 3s work but you need to eat them everyday for a bright mind, healthy heart and good mood.

You can get them in Fish, Hempseeds, Chia Seeds,, Fish oil pills and Flax Seeds.

Water helps run EVERY SINGLE PROCESS OUR BODY DOES! From our muscles, our digestion, our
eyes, our hearts, our sex organs, and ESPECIALLY our BRAINS.

If we are optimally hydrated it keeps our skin smooth and supple and soft and plump.
Most MODELS say DRINKING LOTS OF WATER is their most important beauty tip they have.

If you don't get enough water our blood thickens, causing our hearts to have to work faster, our
urine output to slow thus TOXINS, SUGARS and WASTE products stay in our body longer making us
sick, our eyes can get dry and sunken, our skin is less elastic and we get constipated and we have a
hard time having sex cause of dryness. And of course our brains get sluggish and thinking slows.

So how much should you be drinking a day?

Forget that bullshit about 6 glasses a day!
For your INDIVIDUAL body to be optimally hydrated get out your calculator and do this equation.

Take YOUR body weight in pounds
Divide that in half
The number you have left is your personal hydration number

DRINK that many ounces of water a day to stay hydrated

So lets say you are 140 pounds
140 divided by 2 = 70
So you should be drinking 70 ounces of water a day

That's actually 9 glasses not 6...

Now if you exercise a lot and drink a lot of coffee or tea you need 2 glasses more to replace the
water you are losing from sweat and from caffeine being a diuretic (coffee and Tea make you pee)

Water is WATER. Water isn't milk, or slurpees or sodas or juice or lattes. Its WATER. Drink WATER, however you can add some of that Mio stuff if you like. DRINK UP! DRINK OFTEN!

Common Symptoms of Dehydration:

When you are dehydrated, you will NOT be thirsty, you might believe you are actually HUNGRY instead, your mind wont be working as well. To get yourself HYDRATED you need to do something called a BREAKTHROUGH POINT. It means that you must force yourself to re-establish your natural thirst...

I copied this from a now defunct site:


Protein is meats, eggs, beans, nuts, tofu, cheese, seitan, gluten, whey (milk protein), soybeans, milk, yogurt. TVP etc.

We all need some protein to help build and repair our muscles and organs and skin.

Good lean protein helps keep us feeling full cause it takes so long to digest.


Carbohydrates are things like all fruits, all veggies, grains, pasta, flour, bread, all types of yams and potatoes.

The WORST Carbohydrates are the REFINED PROCESSED carbs, like WHITE Flour, WHITE bread,
WHITE sugar, WHITE deskinned potatoes. WHITE Rice.

If you must eat carbs, eat WHOLE GRAINS and WHOLE Fruit, Whole Veggies, Whole unskinned
potatoes etc. That's how we were designed to eat them.

Whole Foods

Foods were designed to be eaten in their natural WHOLE state. When humans started stripping the bran and fiber and protein away from grains they became less nutritious and the resulting white flours made from them digested the same way as sugar.

Humans were made to eat WHOLE FRUIT and VEGGIES. Skins, pulp, fiber and sometimes seeds.

We were not meant to consume refined JUICE. Juice has been the Gateway “Drug” that has lead us down a bad path to over consumption of sugar and sweets. Wean yourself off JUICES by diluting it everyday with more and more water, till its all WATER.

Cows were designed to eat GRASSES, not corn or grain. Most cattle raised for beef these days is fed CORN or GRAINS or MALT. When you feed cattle corn or grains, their bodies convert that into fat faster and that fat has more cholesterol and when WE eat a steak we are eating that cholesterol. Cattle who are fed their natural diet of GRASSES, have far less cholesterol and their meat is leaner and better for us.



Fiber is indigestible plant matter.

There are 2 types of fiber:

  • Soluble: Soluble fiber expands in liquid, and makes you feel full, YAY!
  • Insoluble: Insoluble fiber doesn't expand, its sole job is to SWIFFER out your digestive tract to get rid of gunk and keep you healthy.

You need fiber to help your digestive system clean and working efficiently and properly.

Correct Portions

In America (and sadly slowly in other countries) we are served HUGE portions of food in restaurants. This has made us EXPECT a big meal and be dissatisfied with a normal healthy one.

Healthy Portions for A Regular Diet (non vegan or low carb)

Healthy Portions for A Low Carb Diet

Healthy Portions For A Vegan Diet

If you need more help maintaining your portions, here are some tools

Special Plates
Special Cooking Tools

How Many Calories Do You Need?

This is great tool
It calculates your caloric needs per day according to your height age and current weight and
activity level and how many calories you need a day to lose fast or lose slow or maintain and it
even gives you the calories for the Zig Zag Diet!

Zig Zag Dieting provides the same amount of calories per week, but 'tricks' your body by
constantly changing daily calories. This helps to prevent or break plateaus.

Lets talk about BMI

BMI Is your body mass Index, it tells you if you are underweight or overweight.
Heres a handy BMI calculator:

Sugar Is Poison

Sugar is one of the most destructive things you can eat. Every time you drink a Coca Cola you
overload your body with inflammation inducing, diabetes inducing calories.
We were not meant to eat pure refined WHITE SUGAR.
We were given WHOLE FRUIT to eat, not JUICE. Juice is given to us as children to keep us quiet,
then we want MORE sweet stuff and we start on the Soda later. Whole Fruit contains seeds, pulp,
fiber and skins, it contains pectins too. All that pulp, fiber and pectin causes us to be satisfied and
full after eating 1 apple or 1 orange, but juice without those things, causes us to over drink and
over consume it before pushing the glass away. Therefore we over consume sugary juice, just like
if it was a cola.
There are 4 apples in one 8 oz cup of juice. You wouldnt sit down and eat 4 apples would you?
Same with oranges.
So all sugar is equal, the Juice kind, the white kind, Honey, Brown and corn syrup.
You must cut back to become healthier and lose weight.
When it comes to developing destructive type 2 Diabetes calories are not the issue, its the amount
of SUGAR CALORIES that count.
Too much of it causes our bodies to work super hard to get it out of our bodies taxing our liver,
pancreas, heart and kidneys and can ruin your eyes.
Cutting out sugary drinks altogether can help you drop 15+ pounds in one year and save your life!
Sugar is killing us!
Switch to natural, “diet” sweeteners like

Treats Are TREATS
In the 1940's and 1950's People went to the Big Town or City once a month to do a big shopping
trip. They got dressed up in nice clothes and hats and polished up the car and the kids sat in back
for the long trip. They met their families for a nice special lunch at a fancy restaurant. They
stopped at the Drug Store for prescriptions and toothpaste and Band-Aids. All Drug Stores back
then had new fangled “Soda Fountains.” This is where YOU as a child in the 1940s and 1950s had
YOUR big TREAT of the trip. You hopped up on that seat at the “bar” and ordered a Coca Cola or
Pepsi or Cherry Phosphate and sat there with your sister or cousin marveling at the bubbly sweet
liquid, sipping is slowly to make it last because you only had one 1 time a month.
It was a SPECIAL TREAT and since your Mom cooked 3 hot nutritious meals a day at home, and you
got plenty of outdoor exercise, this “Sweet Treat' did not hurt your health a bit!
The TRIP was something you ALL looked forward to and that soda was so good you thought about
it all the time.

Nowadays when you go to 7-11 NOW there is an entire WALL of ice cold sugary sodas and drinks
and you can have one anytime you wish now. Ill bet you buy one and gulp it down and really dont
even taste it or enjoy it now dont you? It is now a regular NON SPECIAL item. Its no longer a

And with your indoor lifestyle and computer, you dont get the time to work all those sugar calories
off and thats how you get fat and get diabetes and heart disease.
Why not cut back or only have a bottle once a month as a treat.
Same with those Twinkies and Pop Tarts and Big Macs.
Use them as TREATS and you will actually enjoy them more.

Fad Diets And Gallbladders
Lets explain what your gallbladder is for:
Your gallbladder is a thumb shaped muscular organ that stores a liquid your liver manufactures
called BILE. Bile is an emulsion of salts and enzymes which helps you digest fats. When your brain
signals your gallbladder that you just ate something fatty, the Gallbladder contracts and squeezes
and squirts some bile into your intestines to deal with the fat you just ate. When you eat a LOW
FAT or NO FAT FAD diet (or are an Anorexic) for a long period of time, your Gallbladder doesnt get
a work out and sits motionless. If it sits motionless for too long the bile inside of it starts to
CRYSTALIZE and turn into little hard pellets known as GALLSTONES. When you have gallstones in
your gallbladder and then you go to eat something FATTY, sometimes a gallstone will get lodged in
the thin bile duct leading to your intestines and you will have horrible pain. You can also get
pancreatitis from the gallstone blocking the pancreatic duct nearby. If this all happens you will
need to have your gallbladder removed or go on slow acting long term gallstone softening pills
which can make your hair fall out.

If you have your gallbladder removed you can have a hard time losing weight, you can have liver
issues or something called BILE REFLUX, where the now free flowing bile from your liver builds up
and overflows into your stomach and is corrosive to your stomach and esophagus.
Moral of THIS story: Dont go on EXTREME DIETS!

Eat for Health, Not Weightloss
If you eat to be healthy first and foremost, the weight will naturally come off, your skin will look
great, you will have boundless energy and its all due to you getting optimal nutrition instead of
low nutrition.

For instance, lets look at 3 different days of meals

Menu 1 (Typical teen menu)
Breakfast: 2 Poptarts, orange juice
Lunch: 2 Slices Cheese pizza, Coke, Twinkie
Dinner: Lasagne, garlic bread
Dessert: Ice Cream

Menu 2 (Typical fad starvation diet)

Breakfast: Coffee (sweetener) Half a grapefruit
Lunch: Garden Salad, diet Italian dressing
Dinner: Lean Cuisine meal
Dessert: sugarfree popcicle

Menu 3 (Wise choices diet)

Breakfast: Whole grain reduced fat & calorie breakfast sandwich
Lunch: Chopped Salad with tomatoes, turkey and oil and vinegar
Dinner: Salmon with steamed broccoli
Dessert: Berries with Greek Yogurt

Menu 1 has ZERO FIBER, its high in carbs and sugar and although the pizza and lasagne do have
protein and some vitamins from the sauce, and the orange juice has vitamin C. Its virtually void of
any brain and body nourishing and sustaining nutrition. This diet will fatten you up and give you
diabetes eventually

Menu 2 has some small amounts of vitamins from the shards of carrot and cabbage shreds, but
Lettuce has no nutritional value... The grapefruit supplies a few, but not enough for he day. This
menu is very low in protein, complex carbs, vitamins, healthy fats and calories . You will be starving
each day and if you eat this way daily, you will be starving your brain and body processes from lack
of vitamins and healthy fats.

Menu 3 has plenty of protein and fiber, complex carbs and healthy fats to keep you satisfied thru
the day and it has plenty of vitamins from the veggies to keep your body and mind working

Dont Be Fooled By Junk Food
For years people have made fun of the Holistic Healers and Vegans...Laughed at people at the
Health Food Store buying brown rice and Kefir...Poo-Pooed those people in their Tye Dyed hemp tshirts
standing in line to get tested for Adrenal Fatigue...Rolling our eyes at talk of H-Pylori and
people who make Seitan or Tempeh Chili or thinking "OMG how can you live without bread?"
when they told you about their outstanding energy levels on the High Meat Paleo Diet...or get
turned off at someones Tofurki or Cauliflower Fauxtato Pancakes at Thanksgiving.
Perhaps you have laughed at someone when you asked them for an Advil for your fifth headache
that week, when they told you, "You know, if you'd cut out sugar and diet sodas and
chemicals you'd never get headaches!"

Food and cooking is a social and emotional thing. It brings families together, it is a way to show
love, it is a way to take care of each other, a religious and cultural experience...To not do some
food traditions at certain times in some cultures or religions can start wars or be
considered blasphemy...
So you can see why it is so hard to break long standing feelings and ideas on food!
Its deep deep deep inside of us.
But the fact is...The more nutritious and better for you the food is, the more expensive it is cause it
takes longer to produce.
Most grains, sugarcane and corn are some of the easiest and fastest growing food plants
on earth...
This is why sugar, flour and corn are so cheap and plentiful.
Lean meats, Fresh Veggies and Whole Fruits, Healthy Dairy products and Good Fats and Low sugar
products are EXPENSIVE to grow and make.
People who go on sugar fasts notice they feel immediately better...
I admit I used to roll my eyes when I would hear people talking about certain foods causing
INFLAMMATION of the organs and tissues of the body and when they omitted those types of
foods they no longer had pain in their joints...

Have you ever heard the term "BLISS POINT?"
The "BLISS POINT" is a food manufacturers term in which a recipe for a product has reached the
point in which the FAT, CARBS and SODIUM or SUGAR is in a perfect mixture to elicit an instantly
addictive morphine like euphoria in the eaters brain.
Cheetos has the perfect Bliss Point of all foods!
But its all refined carbs (no fiber), salt and fat, meaning its got no nutritional value to speak
of. Manufacturers can make a lot of money off these cheap, low nutrition foods. Its cheaper to
grow the corn for Cheetos and put it in a bag and sell it to you than it is to grow a fresh veggie
platter or a piece of fruit so to save money they WANT YOU TO BE ADDICTED TO CHEETOS.
So if a society eats mainly HIGH fat, HIGH carb, HIGH sugar and HIGH salt foods and nothing else,
they might be in their BLISS POINT but their brains and bodies wont be getting any REAL nutrition
and in effect, will be STARVING.
This is why you see so many fat poor people who struggle in life and in school and so many with
many physical ailments...They are literally "the starving obese" whose minds and bodies are

About Inflammation:
The worst foods for INFLAMMATION

  • Packaged and processed foods (meaning chemically made and nutritionally stripped food)
  • Hydrogenated and Transfats
  • Sugar
  • White Flour
  • High Fat Animal proteins, like bacon
  • Alcohol
  • Omega 6 Fatty Acids
  • Milk
  • MSG
  • Gluten
  • Salt
  • Food Additives
  • Chemical Sweeteners

What is inflammation?
All those foods listed above are things we were never designed to eat. Because of this our body
organs react to these foods and their ingredients by becoming irritated.
Right now scratch the back of your hand for 30 seconds. Look at it. Has it become red and a bit
puffy? That is because it is irritated. That redness is called inflammation.
Now imagine what happens inside your body when you fill it with bad food and chemicals!
Your organs become red and puffy and inflammed...
You can see that all of the foods above are the ones that have the BLISS POINT FACTOR.
And those are the very foods that cause health issues, inflammation and body pain.
So people eat these cheap foods, get sick have pain get depressed and go to the Doctors to get
well. They are prescribed painkillers, antidepressants and heart and diabetes drugs to combat their
health problems but no one ever tells them one thing
Why do they sell it? Cause Frito-Lays wants you to keep buying their CHEETOS and the pill
companies want you to keep buying their pills! YOU are their ATM and THEY are selling you
nothing but sickness and nutritionally empty food!

Everyone needs to exercise!
Its healthy for mind body and spirit.
It brings your blood pressure and blood sugar down, strengthens your muscles and bones, staves
off cancer and illnesses. And gets you high on endorphins.
Reduces anxiety and stress.
And burns fat.
Im no exercise coach. So the best thing for me to tell you to do is to just start doing sports at
Or join the YMCA, walk around your neighborhood for 30 mins every day, Go to YouTube and look
up Aerobic Exercise routines or Zumba and do it in your bedroom. If you cant join a gym get a book
on resistance exercising that does the same thing as weight training.

Fat is Fluffy, Muscle is Dense
Fat molecules are fluffy and light
Muscle molecules are small, tight and dense
So one pound of fat takes up more space on your body than one pound of muscle.
Youve probably heard this before though, but what it means is that when you start exercising and
building muscle and burning fat, the muscle you are building might not show in the mirror initially,
but it may show up on your scale. You can start exercising and weight training and you're building
muscles and your tummy gets a tiny bit smaller but when you step on the scale is shows you are a
little bit heavier. Thats cause the muscle you are replacing the fat with weighs MORE.
But DO NOT STOP EXERCISING! Eventually all the fat will slide off and the new muscles will even
out and you will have dropped a lot of fat weight and the scale will show this.

Types of exercise
Cardio exercise is for your heart and lungs. Your heart and lungs are muscles and need a work out
too, to stay healthy... This is what burns calories and staves off insulin resistance, diabetes and
heart problems...It is running, treadmill, brisk walking, Hiking, swimming, Aerobics, Zumba,
Dancing, skiing, rollerblading, most sports, and biking...

Strength Training
Strength training is building muscles by lifting weights and resistance training.
How it works is by lifting heavy weights, your muscles are CHALLENGED and tear and break apart .
Then during your rest day(s) your body repairs those tears by building up more muscle tissue.
If you have lots of well built smooth strong muscles, you actually burn calories as you sleep. You
know how? Because by building muscles your body needs energy to keep those muscles
maintained, so it needs more blood glucose to use as building fuel to keep those muscles fit.
Women cannot become HUGE like Arnold Schwarzenegger without STEROIDS. So dont worry
about that...
You NEED to consult a trainer at the gym you go to in order for them to tailor a routine of weight
training for you to do. I cannot do that for you and don just go and start lifting weighs without any
knowledge at all.
FYI- The Amish work outdoors all day long. They eat high fat, high carb and sugar foods but
you rarely see any obese Amish. Its because they burn it all off with hard physical labor.
You should be weight training 3 times a week and doing cardio 5-6 times a week
You need one to two days off, called a REST DAY
Your rest day is the day your body actually builds muscle. Weird but true.

Good and Bad Diet + Exercise States
If you STARVE yourself to lose weight on a FAD diet, you might lose 10-15 pounds in the beginning,
(which is mainly water) BUT then you will stop, because your body goes into starvation mode and
will panic and stop burning fat then will start burning MUSCLE. Remember, your HEART is a muscle
and if you diet it away you will have a weak heart.
A good healthy diet is one where you are losing weight at a moderate pace, and exercising and not
You can also go into something similar while OVER exercising called a CATABOLIC state

The differences between Catabolic and Anabolic Exercise States

Anabolic state
Its when your body uses food to fuel and build your body. This is when your exercise routine and
diet are in synch. Your body can build and repair.

Catabolic State
Its when YOUR own body cannibalizes itself to provide energy to build muscles. This is when you
over exercise and eat too little. Your body cannot build new muscle and repair.
So you MUST eat enough to fuel your body and fuel your workout so your body wont eat itself and
weaken your heart muscle.
Signs your body is in a catabolic state:
You notice it gets harder and harder to do your workout routine.
You have low energy
You have nausea
To get out of a catabolic state. Make sure you have adequate carbs BEFORE a workout and have a
protein snack after your workout.

Finally a small word about STRESS!
We all have stress. I get more into this topic in the Crazies Chapter, but the BEST way to combat
stress is EXERCISE.
Work it on out on the treadmill, the bike, or in a Jog around the park or a vicious round of tennis or
flag football.
BEAT your stress out in a beginners boxing match or wrestling ring.
In closing take care of your body while you are young, eat right and exercise and dress in a style
thats right for YOU.
Love your body, you only have one, make it last as long as you can.

To Recap:

1. Start feeding your body right while you are still young
2. Start a fitness regime even if its a brisk daily walk for 20 mins
3. Eat nutritionally dense foods with lower carbs and healthy fats
4. Develop your own style and love and accept your body
5. Exercise to reduce stress


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